RNCEE Grants

Wed, 11/10/2021 - 11:31am

The SRJC Foundation is happy to announce the annual Randolph Newman Cultural Enrichment Endowment (RNCEE) grant program is now open for application. The grants aim to support innovative projects, programs, or events that enrich the cultural landscape of the SRJC community. Applicants must be any SRJC employee, department, program, or campus group willing to sponsor and carry out a cultural event or cultural enrichment activity aligning with the Campus Climate & Culture Strategic Initiative, Goal 1 during the 2025-2026 academic year. Grants are available up to $5,000 per activity or event request. 

Submission deadline is Thursday, February 21th by 5pm. Grant awards will be announced in mid-March. Please download the application form that provides grant information and guidelines.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Sarah Laggos at slaggos@santarosa.edu. We look forward to learning about your plans to enrich the cultural experience of SRJC students and the community.


RNCEE Application